JavaScript Objects and it's methods

JavaScript objects are another fundamental data structure used in web development. They provide a way to group related data and functionality together, making it easier to organize and manipulate data. In this article, we will take a deeper look at the different methods available on objects in JavaScript, exploring their functionalities and use cases.

Creating Objects

Objects in JavaScript can be created using the object literal notation or the Object constructor. Here is an example of creating an object using the object literal notation:

const myObject = {
  name: 'John',
  age: 25,
  occupation: 'Web Developer',

This creates an object with three properties: name, age, and occupation. The properties in an object can be of any data type, including numbers, strings, objects, and even functions.

Object Methods

JavaScript objects provide a wide range of methods to perform different operations on objects. Let's take a look at some of the most commonly used ones:

  1. Object.keys(): The Object.keys() method returns an array of the property names in an object. Here is an example:
const myObject = {
  name: 'John',
  age: 25,
  occupation: 'Web Developer',

const keys = Object.keys(myObject);
console.log(keys); // ['name', 'age', 'occupation']
  1. Object.values(): The Object.values() method returns an array of the property values in an object. Here is an example:
const myObject = {
  name: 'John',
  age: 25,
  occupation: 'Web Developer',

const values = Object.values(myObject);
console.log(values); // ['John', 25, 'Web Developer']
  1. Object.entries(): The Object.entries() method returns an array of arrays, where each subarray contains a property name and its corresponding value. Here is an example:
const myObject = {
  name: 'John',
  age: 25,
  occupation: 'Web Developer',

const entries = Object.entries(myObject);
console.log(entries); // [['name', 'John'], ['age', 25], ['occupation', 'Web Developer']]
  1. Object.assign(): The Object.assign() method copies the values of all enumerable properties from one or more source objects to a target object. Here is an example:
const target = {
  name: 'John',
  age: 25,

const source = {
  occupation: 'Web Developer',

const result = Object.assign(target, source);
console.log(result); // {name: 'John', age: 25, occupation: 'Web Developer'}
  1. Object.freeze(): The Object.freeze() method freezes an object, preventing its properties from being added, deleted, or modified. Here is an example:
const myObject = {
  name: 'John',
  age: 25,


myObject.age = 30; // This will not have any effect
console.log(myObject); // {name: 'John', age: 25}


JavaScript objects provide a powerful way to organize and manipulate data. By understanding the different methods available on objects, you can create more efficient and maintainable code in your web applications.